Tuesday, March 23, 2010


On Friday, March 19th, Emily and I drove to the General Mitchell International Airport in Milwaukee, Wisconsin to pick up our first Canine Companions for Independence puppy: Anna!

Anna and Emily seconds after we received her from cargo at General Mitchell.

The ride was 'long and boring' according to Emily. But, 'the puppy was worth it.' She is ADORABLE, DOCILE, SOOOO SOFT. When you hold her she goes all limp. I call her the Lump of Love. She is so chilled that she let Emily hold her in her lap for the entire one hour and forty minute ride home.
Emily and I created a scavenger hunt for Ben and Ayden, who were delighted to find Anna as The Prize at the end! After school the entire neighborhood came to our yard to welcome the little one who has a high call on her life.

Ben and Anna.

Ayden and Anna.
Emily hefting the 13 pound lump!

We are looking forward to the many adventures with this darling CCI puppy that we'll be raising. And, we can't wait to share the stories of our journey here with you. Thanks for reading. Please visit Raising Love again soon.

With Love and Eager Anticipation,
Sally & Anna
for the entire Miller Clan
Bryan, Sally, Ben, Ayden, Emily & Sammy

with Anna
"The dog was created specially for children. He is the god of frolic." - Henry Ward Beecher


  1. Anna is SOOO cute! I hope she's as sweet and innocent as she looks in those pictures! How is she doing?

    Anna has a sister named Angel, but she's yellow! I guess Anna must take after her daddy Lawrence (he's black). I know Angel's puppy raisers would love to be in touch, is there any way to contact you?

    Jennifer & CCI puppy Calypso

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. This is the coolest thing! Ya'll will do a fantastic job of raising your "lump of love."

    julie mac :)
